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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Be different No really be unique Blog post

              Im currently re reading a book called Be Different by John Elder Robins.  Even at my first pages of this book i'm already immersed into a complex way of thinking that is very amazing to me. I feel like I need to give a brief introduction about the book so I will continue to do that. Basically the book is about the life of a person that has and is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. For a quick explanation Asperger's effect's your brain by making you think much differently. For example someone with Asperger's might find solving math problems and finding theories very easy because there brain works more systematically almost like a robot. In a sense the brain want's to find the rule for solving an equation (life or math) and then finds the answer and moves on. All this may seem like a lot of great traits to have but it comes in a bundle with some other bad traits. Some of these problems associated with this syndrome can be having a very hard time with socializing whether it involves talking to a friend or asking out a girl etc etc. Be different goes very closely into the positive traits of Asperger's syndrome.
           I really want to go into the topic of the positive traits of Asperger's.  Like i mentioned before Asperger's syndrome can really corrupt your social life but it can also enhance other things. The author explained that he had an incredibly hard time socializing with his classmates for along time. He also was very rude at times to other's because the different brain type he had. He recalled on one chapter that he started getting happy when someone came up to him looking sad and said that there grandfather had died. His reasoning was that he didn't want the person to be sad and he was happy because he was glad tht the person wasn't mad at him. Event's like this would happen to him all the time and yet in his later years he managed to save someone from a burning car with a second's reaction and tie a tourniquet to save the person from bleeding.

           I can kind of connect with this type of thinking because my grandfather and possibly my dad have Asperger's. I might even have a small case of it myself. This book has really kind of helped me to help understand my grandfathers and dad's behavior. They anger me a lot sometimes but know I can really help understand where they are coming from. As much as they might act very different sometimes they honestly are just going along with there differently developed brain. I now know that some of the smartest people in the world have this syndrome and if i do have it im proud too have it.

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