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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Resistance holding us back from where we want to be since day 1

Im still currently reading Linchpin by Seth Godin. I think that i've moved on to the part about how we are born creative. We live in a creative manor until someone tells us that it's not good and then we lose it. Seth gave an example of a 5 year old that wanders around a plane looking at everything curiously. They are pushing to find out more/everything about there surroundings until there parents tell them to sit down and that theres nothing to see. This is really a true example of the resistance. All in all I really agree that we are doing something wrong and that we have to stop it. After an experience like the one that this 5 year old has in the example he may be forever changed.
I think that this resistance character is really the main one that is keeping away our creativity. This type of made up character really wants everyone to be normal or the same as everyone else and so when someone isn't the same as everyone else they try to change that person (like the 5 year old). Seth Godin also introduces a concept called the Lizard Brain.This basically is a way that your brain thinks where it's purpose is to generate your survival as long as possible. This "Lizard Brain" is afraid constantly and wants to fit in/camoflauge to stay safe from the resistance. This is why people choose not to share great ideas with other people because they're afraid that they wont fit in with everyone else. This is a very terrible habit because it prevent's you from sharing your worth with the world and going foreword with ideas that could be worldchanging.

All in all I really think that this fear of the resistance is holding lots of people back from great things. Since from the creation of homo sapiens we've trained ourselves to do everything in our ability to stay alive and survive anything seeming different can blow our cover/ attract bad attention causing us to be afraid of acting creatively. This may seem like a big asset for us that helps incredibly to keep us safe and yet it's probably one of our worse habits. I can even connect to this problem an i'm sure lots of other people throughout the world can. When i make a Youtube video or even maybe post something on Facebook that seems different sometimes i'm hesitant of it. Sometimes I get over this fear and go for it and other times i'm afraid of something about it and can pull through. Sadly this fear is almost generated by school i think because some schools do everything in there hands to make sure that everything stays the same.

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