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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Into the Wild -- Post 2

After finishing the book Into the Wild by John Krakuer , I really felt like I was still reading it. This book takes you so deep into the life of Chris Mccandles and it's very hard to escape from it once your done. I think that this book does a great job of sort of giving a nice resolution for COA and for the book itself. This book really struck me as having a really strong evident amount of forgiveness in it and freedom. While Mccandles was of on his many adventures he really was looking for something and this was forgiveness. He felt like he had to be at peace with the world if it was the last thing that he did. Chris Mccandles was definately not the type of person that would ignorantly watch terrible things happen and do nothing about it. Unlike most people he rejected the idea of society centered around money and made his own way of life.

          Examples of forgiveness are scattered all over in the book especially when he is on "adventures". In these adventures you might think that he is really just trying to get away from corrupting society and finally breathe fresh air. In some ways this is true but he is also getting closer to society by leaving it. All his journeys are really based on looking for answer's. These answer's can be for a numerous amount of things but are normally centered around his parents. It's obvious that he is very confused and upset about the relationship he has with his parents. He feels like they don't understand him and he definately doesn't understand them. While he is off adventuring , most of his time is spent really just thinking about his parents and the issues he has to face on a daily basis. He feels bad for them but also really doesn't and just want's to get revenge on them. In the end although he definately comes at peace with the world and his parents.

        Examples of freedom are also really scattered in the book because they make up most of it. This freedom he's striving for really is to understand / reject society. He never really agreed with the ways of society where everyone gets a job and works for years and then buys a house and so on. He thought that this type of society was in some ways very evil and had unfair advantages to the rich and unfair disadvantages to the poor. Chris wasn't looking for a communist type government ,  but he was looking for something similar. Something that he could participate in without feeling bad about himself. At the end he really did find that type of society which just so happened to be out in the wild where he was the only one that made the rules. He burned his money and invented a new way of life for himself.He found "Freedom" there and died in freedom.

In conclusion , Into the wild is a very elaborate book that contains two main themes and more smaller themes. Chris Mccandles never really could accept the was of society so he made a new one up for himeself in the wild. All in all at the end of the book Chris Mccandles did come to peace with himself and parents, forgiving them for not understanding him. Even thought he did pass away , it's definately better than him being forced into the cruel society in his view.