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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Linchpins the strange but true concept

Im currently reading a book called Linchpins by Seth Godin. This book has really opened up a new corner of my brain. It has also led me into believing a whole new concept. Even though i'm not finished with this book in fact only around 70 pages into it i've still salvaged numerous ideas. It's fair to say that this book has, for this period of my life, changed the way i look at the world. I think this is just what a book's purpose is so i definitely believe that this book has done a valid job. Linchpins is basically a book that changes the way we look at things. Im putting almost a spoiler here warning everyone who doesn't want to know these changes considering the fact that it talks about the problems with the things that normal everyday people do. Anyway's Linchpins is a book about how most of society isn't wanting us to give are real value as a human. The book argues that school's are just putting you in a position to get a job that requires no creativity and robot-like focus. On the other hand a Linchpin is much different than these robot-like functioning humans. A Linchpin has the ability to use creativity and brain to make something that is worth lot's. A linchpin in this way can be indispensable or needed in some way.

I personally want to elaborate on how school's seem to be killing these so called Linchpins. I think one major factor that should be changed is rules. Of course rules about safety and disciplinary issues/ dangerous situations should be kept but what about the other type of rules. Rules on test's, rules on homework even rules for writing. I can understand these type of rules are needed but i think that student's should get some space when coping with these rules. For example say someone tells you to write their heading on ten pieces of paper. What there guessing is that you will take the time to write the heading for each one. A linchpin in this situation might make a neat copy of there heading on the first page and staple it to the other pieces of paper, therefore saving time and energy to use somewhere else. The teacher on the other hand might take points off for this "blunder". It seem's to me that schools have really not helped you to think but showed you how to think. This can be good in some ways but in others it's not and has a very damaging effect. It prevents creativity and churns out lot's of people that wait for orders and are similar to everyone else. This prevent any new leaders from coming. It also stops linchpins in there tracks when there out of the box, time saving thinking results in bad grades.

In conclusion we need to change our school system a lot. It rewards the rule followers but punishes the real creative people who's talents may lead them to far better carriers than the rule followers. We need to really reconsider this whole idea that showing someone how to think only kills creativity and prevents there chance of learning things without guidance. All in all i'm very happy to be reading this book where so much logic is packed into. If you're interested about this topic i highly recommend reading this book.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog post 4 The Kite Runner

This is my 3rd and last blog post on The Kite Runner. Throughout the end of this book i think that a lot of information just jumps right out at you at once . This is a mix of micro and macro details forged together. Some of these details are explicitly explained in the book and some of them aren't. For these details you have to make a guess and infer for them. Some examples of all these details are Sohrab's real whereabouts and Hassan's real father.There's is a lot more detail other than just including this also.I think that the writer of the Kite Runner throws all this information at us in the last second to keep us thinking about the book. If we were to stop thinking so much about the book we might not take in everything that the book has too offer us.
One example of a very implicit detail is what had happened to Sohrab when he was staying in the Taliban house with Assef after being taken from the orphanage. After leaving the house with Amir he keeps saying that he thinks of himself as being "dirty". He also says that they did bad things to him when he was at this house. This part just makes me feel really terrible for Sohrab because of all the things he had to go through. The even worse part about this is that Sohrab almost acts or possibly thinks in a way like it had been his own fault that all the atrocities had occurred. Im guessing that Sohran might have been sexually harassed in a way by the Taliban. This detail just goes to show that in areas like the one Sohrab lives in make and break there own rules without getting in trouble while citizens would get into a great amount of trouble for breaking a small rule.

Another example of a detail thrown at you in the end is that Hassan is actually the son of Baba. This detail is so important throughout the book because Amir is always trying to get Baba to like him more than Hassan and he does this by setting Hassan up to look like he did something wrong and also by saying untrue terrible things about Hassan. Whenever he does this Baba always gets mad at Amir for doing it. When just Baba and Amir are separated from Hassan in California , Baba says "i wish that Hassan could be here". Because of thee secret kept that Baba is the father of Hassan Amir is always getting his feelings hurt because he feels that Baba loves the servant more than he loves his actual son.This makes him feel like he is doing something wrong and makes him do even more things wrong to get Baba to like him more. This detail is introduced relatively fast over the book in about 3 pages. These three pages pretty control Amir's actions throughout the end of the book.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog post 3 The Kite Runner

I'm still currently reading the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. So far as I left off Baba has passed away and Amir has grown up a married man in California and Hassan has grown up back in Pakistan near Taliban territory. Throughout these last pages i've found a really interesting concept hidden between the lines and stashed throughout the chapters. This concept is forgive and forget. I personally think that this whole book is really focused off this one big theme.

One example of this is Hassan. He is one of the biggest supporters of this ideas. When he and Ali were young and together in Kabul he really showed this concept. When the time came when Ali was becoming very jealous of Baba's love he just kept forgiving and forgetting. When Ali threw pomegranates at Hassan expecting him to retaliate he just ignored him because he knew it was the right thing to do and forgive him instantly.When Ali lied about Hassan stealing his watch he knew that he could deny it and get Ali in trouble but instead he forgave him and just agreed that he had stolen the watch.He even took the blame and beating for Ali from a bully in bruises and punches. All of these things continued to happen and Hassan just continued to forgive and forget. He even did all his chores without anger and right on time. When Ali wanted to hang out with him he would agree to it because he had forgive Ali for everything that he had done. This type of forgiving continues when Ali meets Hassan many years later as they've been in different countries. Hassan could have easily still had anger towards Ali and wanted to be away from him but that isn't what he felt. Instead when Ali walks into Hassan's house Hassan drops the bread dough he is cooking and jumps up and gives Ali a big hug.

In conclusion the forgive and forget method is very closely related to this book.Hassan has it and I think that near the end of the book Ali has it too. Apparently this method can make it almost impossible to hold grudges.I personally think that people who read this book should see this method not just as a detail in the book but a way that can eliminate anger towards people and arguments. I really hope that this reading response helped you learn more about The Kite Runner and its amazing small details